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"What is hidden in the snow, is revealed in the thaw", in Old Norse "Det som göms i snö, kommer fram vid tö".



And right now that is what is happening. During Yuletide we are immersed in calm and darkness, our flame is still burning, we think of projects for the new cycle, we choose the seeds we will plant in Imbolc. Everything has been hidden under the snow and cold, alive but hidden.


And now with the thawing of Imbolc everything comes to the surface, light is born from the darkness. Thousands of plants, flowers and herbs make their way through the earth to warm themselves with the sunlight, to make fluffy carpets full of color where to walk with bare feet, to feed the other forest dwellers, to offer us their infinite beauty....


I was thinking about how to work with plants in a more comfortable and self-sufficient way, and in my mind took shape the idea of a handmade herb dryer, wildcrafted, custom-made. Made only with my hands, a knife, a needle, thread, string and a lot of love. That's how this little guy was born, out of my own need I created something for you!!!


There are so many plants and herbs around me!!! I collect them with love and respect and let them rest in this herb dryer for weeks, until they are at the right time to store and create herbal crafts. It's a really beautiful and satisfying act, and with this herb dryer I want to help you dry your plants too.


Each one I make is completely different, nature offers me the pieces to do it, she is capricious!!!! Each dryer is unique!


Measures approximately 50cm x 50cm. The dryer has a braided hemp cord to keep it hanging comfortably. Made with fallen branches from trees native to the area where I live, natural fabric (cotton, jute, linen ...), cotton thread, jute or hemp cord.


45,00 € Regular Price
36,00 €Sale Price

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