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When the days are colder, when the body needs a rest and energy replenishment. 9 plants have teamed up to create this herbal blend. They care for and protect the respiratory system from the throat to the lungs, allowing oxygen to freely enter the body. Their soothing and balsamic effect helps clear the airways, calms coughs and allows the lungs to breathe deeply. Nature offers you a refuge in this cup of warm infusion.


* ELDERBERRY, water and Venus are its symbols. Shrub that dreams of being a tree, tree that was once a shrub. Related to the Mother Goddess, it was believed that witches and spirits lived inside the elderberry, as it bled when cut. Its flowers are rich in vitamin C, stimulates sweating during colds and flu. It has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve sore throat. Great ally to fight against fever, sweet drinks made with elder flowers are known since ancient times. Tree of prosperity and protection, this is how it takes care of us since ancient times.


* SUNDEW, inhabits swamps and moors, where others cannot survive. Its name means covered with dew, due to its appearance. Strong ally of the respiratory system, it has an important soothing and balsamic effect in cases of cough, bronchitis, asthma, pharyngitis .... It takes care of the respiratory tract and has expectorant properties. It has enzymes with antibacterial properties, beneficial in states of flu and colds. Known since ancient times for its use in the production of medicinal wines.


These are two of the plants that create the balsamic blend that will soothe your respiratory system.


The plants combined create a blend that is pure ancestral alchemy, helping your body and spirit. Its deep resinous aroma and sweet taste lull the body into a state of calm. It is a soothing caress.


Available in cloth bags of 45-50 grs.


Infusion: infuse a small spoonful of PROTECTORS OF FOREST blend in hot water. Steep covered for 9 minutes.

Incense, oils and rituals: use as desired.


Free of chemicals. Suitable for oral use.





Consult a health care professional if you have any serious medical conditions or any questions about contraindications to medications you may currently be taking. Please make your own consultations before using any product. Plants have many properties and effects and some people may be more sensitive to some of them. Remember that plants are living things. In my product descriptions I am 100% transparent with all the ingredients of my herbal preparations, please make sure you are not allergic to any of them and inform yourself before using them. All my products have been elaborated with the appropriate safety and hygiene measures and should only be used as indicated in the purchase note, therefore I am not responsible for any skin sensitivity or possible allergic reactions caused by any of the ingredients. In each product the ingredients used for the elaboration of the product are indicated as well as the method or methods of use for which it is indicated.

PROTECTORS OF FOREST - Balsamic herbal tea for throat and lungs


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