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Queen of the Valkyries, goddess of beauty and love, mistress of seidr magic, Freyja's knowledge and wisdom based on the power of herbs and plants that since ancient times have been able to stimulate wisdom and inspiration.


* YARROW, called the carpenter's herb. It received its botanical name (Achillea Millefolium) from the Greeks, who respected this plant so much that they named it after their hero Achilles. A favorite herb of sorcerers. A yarrow tea increases perception and intuition before a clairvoyance ritual. Its vibrations ward off evil and attracts love and friendship. Since ancient times, in occult botany, its associated stars are the Sun and the Moon. Its properties are very broad, is astringent, valuable to stop bleeding, inflammation, is digestive, relieves menstrual disorders and is very effective as healing wounds and ulcers.


* THYME, its use is lost in time in the most ancient cultures. Used by the Egyptians for embalming, some say that its botanical name derives from the Egyptian word "tham" or "thym" which designates the type of thyme they used. Powerful plant for clairvoyance and purification. Thyme baths in spring have been known for thousands of years to ward off suffering and illness. It helps develop psychic powers and brings determination. Roman soldiers took thyme baths for courage. Some say its name may also derive from the Greek word "thumus" which means to give courage. In ancient Greece thyme was burned as incense to ward off poisonous creatures, and its name may also derive from the word "thym" which means to perfume. Legend has it that thyme was born from a scented tear of the mighty Helen of Troy.


These are two of the five powerful plants that live inside FREYJA'S WISDOM herbal blend. The determination and power to see beyond in your hands.


The plants combined create a blend that clears all that blocks psychic powers, giving way to true ancient wisdom.


Available in cloth bags of 50 grs.


Infusion: infuse a small spoonful of FREYJA'S WISDOM blend in hot water. Steep covered for 6 minutes.


Incense, oils and rituals: use as desired.


Chemical free. Suitable for oral use.






Consult a health care professional if you have any serious medical conditions or any questions about contraindications to medications you may currently be taking. Please make your own consultations before using any product. Plants have many properties and effects and some people may be more sensitive to some of them. Remember that plants are living things. In my product descriptions I am 100% transparent with all the ingredients of my herbal preparations, please make sure you are not allergic to any of them and inform yourself before using them. All my products have been elaborated with the appropriate safety and hygiene measures and should only be used as indicated in the purchase note, therefore I am not responsible for any skin sensitivity or possible allergic reactions caused by any of the ingredients. Each product indicates the ingredients used in its preparation as well as the method or methods of use for which it is indicated.

FREYJA'S WISDOM - Herbal blend to inspire and stimulate your inner power -


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