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Runes and staffs. Each one has a unique meaning, an intention, a power, an energy, a history... Just by saying their name or carving their shapes in wood you can feel their vibes. But they still need to be "activated", they need us to awaken their energy at the right time. Runes have always been linked to magical practice and were carved in wood. Over time the signs used in magic came to be called "stafir" (staffs). The wood of choice was oak, pine or spruce, depending on the area. But any wood is perfect to carry a stafur. Oak is a symbol of strength, ash brings resistance and strength to the carved staff, birch brings calm and helps to connect with the ancestors, alder extends the life of the stafur prolonging its power in time, pine is a symbol of protection and longevity, fir represents life and death, hawthorn is the door that connects with other worlds, holly is the tree of balance and equilibrium, heather represents purification and renewal. These carved pieces of wood were originally used as talismans or for divinatory purposes. Once the tree is chosen, it is necessary to "talk" to it, offer respect and ask permission to cut the branch to carve the stafur. After cutting the branch an offering is made to the tree, with food, drink or any object precious to the person. And then it is the moment to activate the staff, to awaken its magic...

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