I'm not what you see,inside me there's a whole world,a thousand battles and one rest,laughter and tears,illusion and disappointment,strength and weakness,power and magic,the legacy of my ancestors.In Old Norse hamingja means luck and is one of the parts of man's soul.Hamingja is known as two different concepts but linked to each other: on the one hand luck understood as fate or wyrd,and on the other hand the more primal power of a person related to the Old Norse ham-gengja which means to change shape.Hamingja is linked to a man's lineage,strength,ability,intelligence and spirituality,inherited from his ancestors,but sometimes the hamingja can diminish and can even be given to others.Old Norse kings lent their hamingja to other men to perform dangerous and important missions.Hamingja is in every family passed down from generation to generation and when someone dies,hamingja passes to the new members of the family,especially if a newborn carries the same name as the deceased person.Linked to the wyrd,it nourishes the fylgja,it's our power,our strength and our knowledge.All united to shape who we are,hamingja is that part of us that we feel,not the part we see.Hamingja helps us to make real what was meant to happen,it gives us the strength and push to move forward.Hamingja is so linked to us that it accompanies us for lifelong,that is why it's also identified as a protective spirit,a guardian of our soul,so linked to our most primal self that it is identified with an animal.Hamingja is the inner force that inhabits fylgja and nourishes it, it's our heritage and our responsibility to keep that legacy alive.The primitive part is so strong that the guardian spirit of the animal that lives within us,fylgja,dominates us.when you let go,in trance,being yourself,transforming into your true self...hamingja gives form to fylgja,and your wild part comes out.and then the magic happens....To be continued.... 📸Pic by @art.of.yggdrasil